Learning Support Centre
In our LSC environment from Years 8 through to 12 the primary focus in learning is placed on the holistic development of each child – socially, emotionally spiritually and academically. Pupils are challenged to reach their full potential within a caring environment.
There are three teachers assigned to the LSC and pupils graduate through three stages in their development in St Patrick’s College:
Years 8 & 9 (AM Canavan) induction and transition into the Key Stage 3 curriculum.
Year 10 (A. McNeill) Transition and preparation year for graduation to Key Stage 4.
Years 11 & 12 (R. Forrest) Transition into Key stage 4 and preparation for adult life and leaving to further training or education.
We find that this graduated approach is the best framework for allowing pupils to flourish in a caring environment where individual needs are met and pupils challenged to perform at their best. Data is used to inform teaching and learning within the LSC. IEP’s reflect the needs of each pupil and transition plans drawn up in Years 10 and 12 in order to direct the pupil to the next stage of learning. The pastoral dimension is paramount in the philosophy of our LSC. Caring and supportive staff provide a safe environment giving our pupils the confidence to develop and learn. We believe that the ‘happy child learns best’.
In Key Stage 4 a bespoke timetable is created for each pupil in order to equip them with the qualifications and skills necessary to transition to further education or training programmes. Some pupils can mix and match with mainstream GCSE subjects depending on ability. There are opportunities to study academic and vocational subjects. Work experience opportunities are also provided in Key Stage 4 for those who wish to explore this option as part of their timetable.