In St. Patrick’s College we have a responsibility for the safeguarding and child protection of the children in our care and we carry out this duty by providing a caring, supportive and safe environment, where each child is valued for his or her unique talents and abilities, and in which all our young people can learn and develop to their full potential. All staff, teaching and non-teaching are continually trained on child protection matters and know the procedures to be followed.
School Safeguarding Team
The following are members of the school’s Safeguarding Team:
Chair of the Board of Governors: Mr Michael Quinn
Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mrs Paula McIlwaine
Principal: Mrs Roisin Woods
Designated Teacher: Mrs Fionnuala Hartigan
Deputy Designated Teacher(s): Mrs Fidelma McKeever, Mr Ryan McCabe and Miss Áine Cassidy
“Our School Child Protection Policy aims to protect and support each child’s development in ways which will foster a safeguarding ethos, security, confidence, independence and will be implemented by all personnel in the school.”