A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students and anyone arriving at school in non-uniform clothing may expect to be sent home to get changed. Uniform as directed must also be worn when representing the school at any official function:
Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school.
Jewellery and make-up are not permitted in school.
Coats and other outdoor clothing may not be worn in school.
Navy Blazer
Navy Skirt
Sky Blue Shirt
School Tie
Navy ‘V’ Neck Jumper (Optional)
Navy Tights
Flat Black Shoes

Navy Blazer
Black School Trousers
Sky Blue Shirt
School Tie
Navy ‘V’ neck jumper (optional)
Black Shoes (No Boots)
School Coat (Male/Female) is available
No other coat may be worn
P.E. Uniform
St. Patrick’s PE Top
Navy Shorts
O’Neill’s Leggings
Trainers (non-marking)
Swimwear (Year 8)
P.E. Bag
Netball Skirt if representing the school.
School Tracksuit bottoms and Quarter Zip Top are available also. Although not compulsory, we would recommend you purchase one; particularly if your daughter will be representing the school.
St. Patrick’s PE Top
Navy Shorts
Navy / Blue Socks
Football Boots
Trainers (non-marking)
Swimwear (Year 8)
P.E. Bag
School Tracksuit bottoms and Quarter Zip Top are available also. Although not compulsory, we would recommend you purchase one; particularly if your son will be representing the school.
We in Saint Patrick’s College encourage pupils to take pride in all aspects of their uniform: it is compulsory for all students to wear FULL PE kit for all lessons and during participation in competitive sports.
Students must look after equipment/clothing brought into school.
Uniform supplied by:
Robin Fields, Banbridge
P.E Uniform supplied by:
Donaghys, Banbridge
To access Free School Meal & Uniform Forms and information, click here